
Psychic Explorers Update

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Can you breathe under water?

As I lay in my hot deep bath, trying to make my body as weightless as possible, without sinking and getting my hair soaked (I cheat and push a toe against the tap); I try to re-capture the feeling of my dreams. That I can breathe under water.
Have you ever had this? The feeling that if you were to drown you would just relax and go with the flow………..
As I turned the corner in my PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT I became increasingly more and more curious about my life path, my destiny and how to switch the so called PSYCHIC switch we are all supposed to possess on/off at will. My dreams were more noticeable to me. The mere fact of how much detail I could remember, even days, weeks or months afterwards made them stick in my mind. Especially the ones were I can breath under water!
Questions, questions! Researching for answers and understanding, then more questions. Unbelievable. My brain was far to busy to fit in a little MEDITATION time to get the answers mind you. But still, I suppose the long way round is always the way I’ll choose.
If I remember rightly, it was around the time that my curiosity was being drawn towards the OUIJA BOARD, and around the time of constantly hearing my name being called, but yet no one was there! The exact same time I realised that if we are all here for a reason I want to get to work to find out what I’m here to do.
In between these strange goings on, my being able to breath under water dream became much more frequent and memorable. Obviously, there’s a message in there somewhere but there was no way I was cracking it. I looked in all the DREAM books.
Did you know that a meaning in a dream book is only relevant to the person who’s writing it or whoever wants to claim that meaning for them?
I didn’t.
For example, I kept dreaming of OWLS. The largest type you can get. Are they ‘the eagle owl’ correct me in comments if I’m wrong. And one particular dream was with my little boy. I wanted to take him up to the owl to show him it was almost the same size as him and to stroke it if he could.
Well each time for me, I interpret an OWL in my dream as learning and knowledge but the other week I remembered and looked it up. It said Bad Fortune or Illness. Well I can honestly say that it didn’t sit right with me. And there was nothing that stood out in my personal life at that time that could back it up. So, dreams are symbols (I always dream in animals) and that’s why they tell you to keep a journal of your DREAMS because that way you can write the significant symbol down and when you next dream of it you know what your subconscious is trying to communicate to you.
As for my being able to breath under water dream, well I was later to find out by a fancy ‘Dream Psychologist’ that to dream a dream like this suggests that the dreamer is exploring their SUBCONSCIOUS and PSYCHIC ABILITY.
It’s funny; I haven’t had a dream like that for ages now but I’ll always remember the feeling I got whilst having them.
A warm, weightless floating feeling.
To re-create it properly I have to turn onto my front in the bath, relax completely and then hold my nose just barely on top of the steamy water. So close if I was to sniff I’d probably suck up the water. When I’ve got it just right I just can’t explain how it feels, just relaxing, maybe it’s the smell ….. I can’t put my finger on it. But it’s the oddest sensation and the closest thing to what I feel in those dreams.
I’d love to know if anyone else has had these kinds of dreams or if they’ve carried out their own weird experiments. By the lack of posts, I’ll get the hint. Seek HELP!

Until next time,
All lathered up & lovely,

Beverley x
‘Smiling From Within’

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