
Psychic Explorers Update

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

The Ouija Board Became Very Addictive

When I finally got my hands on my own , I knew all the stigma that went with them. I didn't care. But, I wasn't expecting for the Ouija board to become very addictive.

There were loads of times me and my friend Marco, a fellow Psychic Explorer, would make homemade Ouija boards. Trying with all our mystical powers that we had to get it to work. But nothing. We were shocked. Of all the people we thought that it should definitely work for us, two true believers. At one point were even scrapping the glass around on the mirror saying,

"Come on then spirits show your selves. If this is annoying you then show us a scary sign to make us stop."

Nothing. Rubbish. We couldn't work out how to make it work. So we spent the rest of the evening reciting stories of people who say it has worked for them and vow never to touch one again.

And as luck would have it (years later) my mum, a psychic clairvoyant, finally decided to hand her board over to me. After me begging and persuading that would I swear to be responsible with it.

Something that I find with my psychic development is that sometimes it feels as if I've not really been doing anything with developing my abilities and then other times I'll start feeling the old curiosity pull again. I'm in one of those times now, I want to try something new. It's like I want to know more about it all and learn what level I can take it to. It's exciting.

So, as you can imagine when I started to feel the pull of the Ouija board I couldn't contain my excitement. I got everything ready (helping me to mentally get in the right frame of mind). Made sure I'd have no interruptions, pen & pad of paper (hopefully they will like to chat, like me!). After I've done the CLOAK OF PROTECTION I would then say a little pray of protection around my room, and my home. Also stating that I will not accept any bad entities or I'll close the link.

Sitting on the floor with my fingers on the planchette. I'll never forget it, my heart was starting to beat faster. I don't mind admitting I was getting scared. Or more to the point my imagination running wild was scaring me.

"Do you know what you're doing and what to do if it all goes wrong?".
"You were warned don't mess with things you don't know."
"You are on your own, what if something bad does happen?".
I thought I could feel the planchette starting to move. My hairs stood up and I had to stop. I obviously wasn't ready.

Not long passed before I was at the board again. Same ritual. I'd had a word with my imagination and answered it's doubts. I'm protected. I have a Door Keeper. Everyone does, right from birth. They are by our sides looking out for us and helping us along our way.

I relaxed and waited. It wasn't long before there was a little movement. My heart fluttered but I was ready this time. As the planchette moved about sometimes it would spell words, other times it would spell words that didn't make sense. It would start a sentance as though you were getting a meaningful message then spell nothing words.

Then it started getting like I was either guessing the next letter or I would know the word but not the sentence. I started thinking, this is too much. It's feels like I'm sat talking to myself, which felt really strange. I really questioned every side of it. I couldn't tell what was me and what might have been a spirit. It really did start to become addictive. It got to the point where I could be sat anywhere with it (t.v on, which I know isn't the right conditions but I can automatically go into the right awareness), I only had to put my hand down and the planchette would start to move. I was stuck though. I needed other people to help me. How could I ask a question and not know the answer, other than asking a random question that I'm not going to find out anyway.

I collected questions from friends. Some of the answers where true and some not. But the mind is an amazing thing. Just because you can't remember what someone has told you it doesn't mean that it hasn't been log in the old database of unregistered info.

I mentioned to a medium one day that I'd been using the Ouija Board. (You feel really naughty telling people. Its like "Oh, what are you doing playing around with that for.") When I said of my dilemma about I just feel like I'm talking and answering myself back and it seems pointless.

Her advise to me was (back to meditation) to learn to block out the everyday things. When you sit down to the board you must know that everything from now on, in this session is not the every day world. Practice meditation and learn to connect properly to your Spirit Guide so then when you start, you automatically have that link.

Since then I haven't really used the board, I couldn't take it seriously. And maybe that's the point, you're not meant to!

Remember when you feel a fluttering in your chest it's your heart 'Smiling From Within'.

Beverley x

(Feel free to add to this in anyway or add an experience of your own.)

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Sunday, 24 February 2008

Don't Mess With What You Don't Know

It's no joke when you are beginning to dabble in the unknown areas of the Spirit world and that of the Paranormal. And it's no joke when people pass on the warning of don't mess with what you don't know. There are so many stories of people using Ouija boards. The majority of those that have had an experience with with one vow never to touch one again. Which was lucky for me, as my mum Crystal Clear International Psychic Clairvoyant was one of those people and that's how I inherited (to my delight and begging) my own board. But that's another story!

Psychics run in my family, I've been practicing and slowly developing for years. Old Granny Smith from Northern Ireland, God Bless Her Soul, she was going to seances, reading tea leaves, good old fashion fire reading and not forgetting the hair raising tales of banshees. This gift was then passed down to my mum who at the age of just 12 years old saw a face in the fire of a man and then two days later answered the door to him. I've been around this type of mystic and enchanting way all my life. But I think the reason I feel I must write this blog is to state it again. Please don't mess with what you don't know. I've had a weird, experience at the beginning end of my experimenting back then and I've had my telling off from the late Charles Samways of Vivash Road Spiritualist Church. " You shouldn't practice unless your accompanied by someone who is developing you, anything can happen."

I'll willingly describe my experiences, explain and help you to find your vibrational pull. I'll pick out some of the better Psychic development exercises for you to work with at your will. I'll find interesting areas of the unexplained for us to explore.

NOT U.F.O's. That's one area that 'Smiling From Within' doesn't cover.

All I ask is that, if you carry out any psychic development of your own that you treat every aspect of it with the up most of respect. It doesn't matter what you know already, what you have heard or even if you have doubts to there being more to this life. If your eyes are wide open and you clear all your inhibitions then you will open up to your own experiences.

If you always imagine a brilliant white blanket or cloak wrapped around you. You could add, all snug and warm too! When you feel you've bathed enough in the brilliant light then (mentally keeping the cloak around you) you are ready to begin. And when you have finished, sit for a moment bathing in the brilliant white light. Use this moment to recognize how at peace you feel. When you are ready (mentally visualize) removing the cloak until the next time. Don't forget to put it somewhere so it wont get creased!!!

For such a small act you will have pulled so many of the necessary vibrations into line.

Don't expect to see a miracle. Even I get frustrated sometimes. I feel all geared up and ready to work with my Spirit Guides, and I get nothing. I check my handbook. No, no they definitely don't get days off, they should be working today! Sometimes, you can be too eager. Concentrating or focusing too much. And psychic development is exactly that, learning. Little brainteasers, problem solving and learning the art of using all of your senses, everything pulled in together to bring you into your center within. It's only then that you can begin.

Now, for me it seems so obvious. If I can't learn to shut out the hustle and bustle of everyday life and stresses (and I am the worst meditator ever) then how can I expect to hear any kind of message given to me. How can I expect to feel the different shift in energy within me when I'm still thinking 'Oh, I better not forget to get more baby formula'.

Once you can still your mind, no matter how stressed or hectic it's all been you will know that you are centered as soon as you are at the right point. It's like, having the window open with traffic or road works outside on a sunny spring afternoon. Once you shut the window there is silence. At the exact same time your whole body throughout instantly all relaxes.

If you can get on with meditating (see my link list for a brilliant site), then you will probably reach this learning point quicker than I did. I had to take the hard route. As always. Now I can instantly put myself into that state of awareness, still carry on with something that may need doing quickly and go straight back to that point.

We are given a little at a time. Kind of like on a need to know basis. It doesn't matter how ready you think you are, there may be some small lessons you have to experience and learn from until you can move forward along your true path.

Feel free to email me me questions, queries or even to discuss how working with a Psychic Counsellor and Life Coach could benefit you right now. Please get in touch via my email (profile page).

Remember, how can you truly smile on the outside if you're not
'Smiling From Within'.

Beverley x

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Friday, 22 February 2008

Are you a Psychic Explorer? Take the Test

ARE YOU A PSYCHIC EXPLORER? Well, you were curious enough to find out more, so the answer should be YES.

'Smiling From Within' is about exploring Spirits, Intuition, Energy Vibrations, the different Tools & abilities of the psychic world. Acknowledging the influence our Subconscious Mind has over them. All of which focus on the same view; to show ways that work for us, so we can create the healthy happy lives we dream of.

You can still be sceptical, in fact its probably good for us all to be a little sceptical at times. This way we are going in with our eyes wide open, and not bias to one side or another. It doesn't have to mean that just because you believe in one thing, that  anything its connected to is your belief.

If you don't have dreams and goals then you have no path or direction to work towards. You'll always get by and settle for what you've got. Rather than having more of exactly what you deserve, without feeling the guilt of wanting and asking. Which in the spirit world (or for the sceptics amongst us, our sub-conscious/intuition) equals GETTING IT!

Feel free to post comments, a difference of option helps the world go round. Suggest topics to be covered or simply ask a question that you'd like to know. All topics are covered. If I don't know about it then we will explore it together.

Join me, as I continue my psychic development towards becoming a Medium. Learn with me how different experiences feel, my fears and my excitement at making further connections between with the Spirit world and the subconscious Mind. I will help you to see my continuous learning journey through my eyes.

Why not suggest a subject or area for me to explore for you. Now, that would be fun!

I'm smiling all over, and that definitely means I'm 'Smiling From Within'.

Take Care

Beverley x

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Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Crystal Clear International Psychic Clairvoyant

I love my mum, Crystal Clear, she's great! The thing that I admire the most though about her job as an international psychic clairvoyant, is the many, many people I see her help day in, day out. The feeling of knowing that when someone has sat before you, with no will to live, that you are be able to show them that they have a reason to live and that things are going to change for the better. Then having that person walking out of the door with goals for the future. That must be such an amazing feeling.

I'm so fascinated on the clairvoyant side of things. You can't help thinking, how does it all work. Even when you've been around it as I have, you still can't help being blown away at some of the information and accuracy that comes through. My mum has given a reading before, telling them that they will go to the doctors with a chest complaint, it will be diagnosed wrong at first but the next time they go back they will identify it correctly. Amazing! It was all true.

My favourite of all though is when my mum reads for the sceptics of us all. They come with their barriers up. Determined they'll tell her nothing, right or wrong. They sit down and she'll give them a single piece of information straight away , significant only to them. This then grabs their attention and the reading can continue as normal.

Here is a piece from my mum:

Helping You To Face The Future

For accurate mediumship, tarot, palmistry and psychometry provided in the strictest of confidence. Well known in London, South East of England, UK and abroad with many famous clients.

Since discovering my psychic ability at the age of 12 I have developed these powers to the full over many years. Helping people in emotional distress, I have travelled all over England and abroad achieving a great number of success. My work includes 'platform work' at many well-know Spiritualist churches.

As a practising Medium I am assisted in my work by Spirit Guides to give accurate clairvoyance including names, places and descriptions as proof of the afterlife and bringing your loved ones closer to you again. I use Tarot Cards, Palmistry and Psychometry enabling me to focus on Spiritual guidance to assist with your problems i.e Relationships, Marriage, Home and Career.

I work from home and travel to psychic fares most weekends. I have appeared on TV many times including Meridian, LWT, Calton and as a guest on the Paul Mackenna Show and most recently Test The Nation. I have also been featured in the documentary 'Beyond the Mind'. You may have seen me in magazines such as Best, Chat, Marie Claire, Girl About Town, Womans Own and in many of the local press. And have a wide range of celebrity clientel.

I offer sincere, confidential guidance, and will attend party bookings in your own home town.

If you need an urgent reading, this service can be provided by telephone. All major credit cards accepted. All readings are recorded.

For an appointment or just more information on when I will be in your area next contact me on any of the details below quoting ref: 'SMILING FROM WITHIN'

Telephone : 02392 672392
Mobile No : 07803 002714
Email Add : crystalclearpsychic@hotmail.co.uk

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Colours & Their Meanings

Whilst studying to become a Psychic Counsellor one of the things necessary for me to learn was the different meanings of colours of the spectrum. Also their physical and emotional effects. Those colours are: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, TURQUOISE, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET, MAGENTA.

I'm not saying in any way that this is what a Psychic Counsellor has to learn. I personally have been following my own path, I am drawn to or directed towards the next various things that I am supposed to study. To be honest, my studying has been going on for years. And to some degree I've not been too sure where I was going with it. But still I took my courses over the years just in the background of living my life. Now I have qualifications in: Colour Therapy, Basic Anatomy & Physiology, Indian Head Massage, Drug Awareness, Counselling and Life Coaching. I am also blessed with the gift of Clairvoyance. And having the curiosity for the Paranormal and Unexplained. I am constantly developing my abilities and love my job of helping people. Good, now I've got that off my chest. Blimey!


Ranges from a very deep to a very pale red.
It is the symbol to life, strength and vitality.
Treats anemia or iron deficiency through its effect on the hemoglobin, it increases energy, raises body temperature and improves circulation. This makes it a good colour to use in paralysis.
It is a masculine energy.
When used in conjunction with its complementary colour (Turquoise), red helps counteract infections. The red increases the blood supply to the area, which deals with the invading bacteria, and the turquoise helps to cleanse and reduce inflammation.

This is the symbol of feminine energy, the energy of creation.
Its complementary to the red energy therefore it is important that these two colours should work in harmony.
This colour influences both physical vitality and the intellect.
The colour of joy and happiness, and enables us to create a balance between our physical and mental bodies.
Helps disperse depression. So good for people who are manic depressive or suicidal.
Treats stones in the kidney and gall bladder.
Very beneficial for people with chronic bronchitis, and with regular treatment can clear any build up of phlegm and the accompanying cough.
Also an anti spasmodic effect so beneficial in cases of muscle spasms and cramp.

is the symbol of mind and intellect. It represents the power of thought and intellectuality and stimulates mental activity.
It strengthens the nerves and stimulates higher mentality. It activates the motor nerves in the physical body, generating energy in the muscles.
Yellow works with healing eczema. Also rheumatic and arthritic conditions because it helps to break down the calcium deposits which have formed in the joints.

It is the colour of balance, harmony and sympathy, and therefore has the power to bring the negative and positive energies of a human being into balance.
Balancing body, mind, and spirit thus creating wholeness.
Good for antiseptic also can be used for detoxification and in some cases of heart disease.
When used in conjunction with its complementary colour (Magenta), it is used to treat malignant tumours.
A pregnant woman should never be treated with this colour.

Turquoise is the colour used to boost the immune system.
It is used for infections, septic conditions and AIDS.
Endeavoring to strengthen this system with turquoise can potentially an AIDS sufferers' life.

This colour symbolizes inspiration, devotion, peace and tranquility. Therefore an excellent colour for meditation and healing.
Blue creates a sensation of space. This is why people say it is a cold colour. A room painted in this colour will appear to be much larger.
Treats tension, fear, palpitations and insomnia.
It reduces inflammation, used for laryngitis, sore throat, tonsillitis and goiters.
Useful for shock, stings and headaches.
When used with its complimentary colour (Orange), it brings about a state of peaceful joy or joyful peace.

A combination of a small amount of red and deep blue.
It is not used much in healing.
But related to six sense.
This helps to broaden the mind and to free it of fears and inhibitions.
Has a powerful effect on mental complaints.
Being so closely related to the blue ray, it can help with problems related to the throat.
A powerful anesthetic and can induce complete to pain without the loss of consciousness.

This colour is spirituality, self respect and dignity.
Violet can lift the prepared human being into a higher state of consciousness. It can lead us into a hightend state of spiritual awareness, where it becomes united with our true self or inner divine being.
It is from this colour that your intuition or psychic self draws its energy.
It can re strengthen a weak cell structure and restore energy.
It is used on people who are unable to love themselves.
It is beneficial for psychological disorders such as schizophrenia.
Also helps sciatica, diseases of the scalp, and all disorders connected with the nervous system.

On a physical/mental level, it allows us to let go of ideas and thought patterns which are no longer right for us.
When magenta fades into a pale pink, it becomes the colour of spiritual love. This is mainly used on the emotional aspect of a person. For example, someone with a broken heart.


That's only the tip of the of the iceberg with how deep and what combination of ways you can use and work with colour. They play such a big part of our lives. Imagine a world with no colour. Rubbish! It would be like the dreary days we get so many of, when we are wishing for the Summer to grow some backbone and fight it's way through with sunny days.

If you would like to have a colour reading for yourself, to see which ones you are needing in your life right now and the changes you can make by introducing them. Please contact me via my email (profile page).

Remember, if your not smiling on the outside it's definately because you're not 'Smiling From Within'.

Beverley X

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Monday, 18 February 2008

Colour Therapy Explained

One of the areas covered in my Psychic Counselling is Colour Therapy. I really like this area because you can really get your teeth stuck in. There's so many options and variations to fit in with all walks of life not to mention each individual will pick colours specific to what they need at that given time. Remembering also, that next week the same person could do the same test and pick out new colours. It's amazing how it works out to be so accurate.

Basically, every single colour that you see has an effect in it's own way. Emotional, Physical, Mentally & Spiritually. And without going too deep all these colours and parts of the body that they correspond with are also connected to the Aura which is our unseen vibrational body! But we wont go into that now. Each part of the body responds to a different colour.

Colours effect our personalities. That's where sayings such as 'Black Mood', 'Green With Envy', 'Red With Rage', 'Pink With Delight' (not really, I just made that one up!) come from. Extremes of emotions are often the outward display of imbalances or blockages in the flow of colour energies into and out of the body.

I'll explain a little about how it all works. Especially for those who are just discovering this area.

How Light Enters The Body
Of all our organs the eyes are the most highly tuned for receiving coloured light. They supply about 90% of the sensory information available to the brain. Information about light and colour also enters the body through our skin (even when fully clothed). The eyes gather visual information for us and then channels it through to the brain so that we can perceive more accurately in consciousness what the body also experiences, but does not make conscious.

Colour Blindness
Some people are unable to tell the difference between certain colours. Most commonly the difficulty is in distinguishing RED from GREEN, although other people cannot tell the difference between YELLOW and BLUE. About 8% of men (bless 'em) and 1% of women ( you go girls) are RED-GREEN colour blind.
Even so, it doesn't matter what colour you are seeing something in because it has no relation to the physiological effects of those wavelengths. Even when RED and GREEN are seen as muddy BROWN, each colour will have it's different, specific effects on the body. This is exactly the same for visually impaired people, the impact of colour does not depend on you being able to see it.

Intuitive Knowledge Of Colour
Our first experience of colour takes place in the womb. As we grow older we then begin to attach feelings, memories and meanings to our experiences of colours. This then results in colours becoming a feature of our sub-conscious. The association of particular colours to feelings and emotions such as Happy, 'Smiling From Within', Sad and Frightening experiences builds up our colour preferences.

When I work together with someone who has come to me for Psychic Counselling and Life Coaching I would give them a picture chart that they would look at for a couple of seconds. They then pick out three colours that stand out the most, giving me each colour in the particular order they first looked at them. For example:

1st BLUE

This determines to me so much about their personality and what they need to introduce into their life at this particular time to make necessary relevant changes. It's covers such a wide spectrum we can go as basic or as deep and we want. It's a fun subject.

On that note, I hope you found Colour Therapy interesting but feel free to let me know if there is a subject that I can tell you more about, if I can. 

Remember, when you feel a fluttering inside your chest, that's your heart
'Smiling From Within'.

Beverley x

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Sunday, 17 February 2008

What is a Psychic Counsellor?

The type of Psychic Counsellor that I am is a person you can turn to when no one else understands. Someone who is able to listen, understand and see your life through your eyes. This cusped with the gift of Clairvoyance, the ability to help you realise your hopes, dreams and aspirations again.
Imagine a stranger who knows nothing of your history or your future goals but yet a person who automatically makes that connection of really understanding the true you. Giving you complete confidence to relax back and let your dreams and desires flow. This then placing you back in the right direction of your true path in life.

Everyone feels misguided once in awhile. We've all felt stuck in a rut at some point. Yet just sometimes it would be nice for some time out, with someone who can help you find your inner spark. The one that's beginning to fade.

As a Psychic Counsellor and Life Coach I am able to cover a wide variety of life issues such as; Confidence and Self Esteem Building, Bereavement, Relationships, Blocks that are Holding you Back, and Finding laughter in your life again, to name but a few.

There are many ways that I can work with you and many various tools that can be used to give us the best insight into any situation. A few of the favorites are good old fashion Tarot Reading (telephone readings available: 02392 672 392) , The Fairy Cards and Clairvoyance.

In my next Blogs I will go more in depth to the various tools used. Maybe I'll write about the Colour Readings, choosing what colour you subconsciously need in your life right now.

Remember, how can you smile on the outside if you're not 'Smiling From Within'.

Beverley x

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