
Psychic Explorers Update

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Energy Vibrations - What's Ur Cosmic Etheric?

The energy that you take in originates from cosmic energy. This energy vibration is the life force that underlies your ability to breath, eat, grow, have feelings and to think.
The Physical energy from food and drink is just part of the energy that sustains us in life.
Both cosmic and physical energies are types of etheric or ‘life-supporting’ energies. While food provides the physical, or metabolic etheric energy, life itself depends on cosmic etheric energy.

The intake of cosmic energy depends partly on your genetic tendencies: you are born with a capacity to welcome the outside world or to turn your back on it. Your experiences as a child and an adolescent also have a strong influence on this in-stream of energy. If you as an individual have been fully accepted for what you are, then you will be open to the cosmic, life-giving energies that surround you.

Cosmic energy streams into happy people more than it does to those who are sad. In denying themselves their own happiness, sad people also deny themselves the strength and vitality that could support and replenish them.

The out-stream of energy depends on how well your own expressions of energy are met by others. If others try to curb these energies in you, then you may suffer from depression and frustration. The free flow of your energy includes the ability to express yourself freely, and not to be constantly undermined.

See my other postings on colours and their meanings for ideas on what colours you can use in breathing exercises to help with the cleansing of particular areas of your life & body; or for connecting deeper with your subconscious.

Remember, when you breath out & breath in, the colour you visualize
is the colour your 'Smiling From Within'

Until next time, take care
Love Beverley x

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