Some may argue that they make their own decisions and choices and it’s impossible that our lives are already mapped out. Yes your life is already mapped out but the point of it is, the lessons that you learn along the way. The reason for people saying that we have loads of re-incarnations is because there are so many lessons to be learnt and a particular healthy body and active life couldn't learn the same lessons of someone who is less able bodied or chronically ill throughout their life.
This is why when you have a proper horoscope (not general from the paper) reading then it can tell you exactly what type of character you are and how you handle situations. If you look into the various TOOLS available to the Psychics they are able to use things such as your date of birth as your Life Plan code. It's why it seems funny that a combination of various tools will still point to being your character and give similar examples of your strengths and weaknesses.
Of course we all have our own free will, being able to make our own choices and some of those decisions can completely ruin the plan. Destroying what might have been your destiny. But, since the plan is for you to experience certain lessons and for another chance of using your collected knowledge, then many situations can be “tweaked” from behind the scenes to re-direct you to a suitable path to continue learning your lesson.
This is where the help of our spirit guides (they chose to be by our side throughout our journey) and guardian angels (who are with us from the moment we are born, watching over us and making note of all we are up to) comes into play. Coincidences and the perfect back doors of “it’s not what you know it’s who you know”. Also, once we develop enough to be able to recognise and listen to our intuition/ inner higher self then we can start to pick up pace and hopefully stop making the same mistakes that we continuously know we do.
Also in place are Spiritualists, Mediums and Psychic Clairvoyants. It is their role to be available to give guidance and understanding as our ‘Spirit’ advances through its journey. You need to have someone to turn to who is able to make sense of what you’re experiencing. For example, when it gets confusing to know (or feel) what way to go when you have come to a cross roads in your life. When it is important to make the right decision where a major decision is needed. Their role is to use their ability to help others view the options and outcome of different choices taken.
So, what’s it all about then?
The aim is to make everyone get along together and to love each other unconditionally. For us to use our personal power to create a life that we shouldn't only have to go to heaven to be able to experience. (Good luck, we all shout in unison.) Well, no one is saying that it’s an easy task or that you will even live to see it become a reality but wouldn’t it make things that little bit easier if more people were a pleasure to know and to be around.
Not having to think about people doing us wrong, having to keep our guard up. The best we can do to get close to this, is to control the people we have up around us and in our lives and all take responsibility for our own actions. Treating people how we want to be treated. This is why like attracts like and we only attract people who are on the same vibrational level as us. If you mix with people that aren’t really good for you, unless you can wake up and acknowledge that fact and make the break you will always be stuck at that vibrational level. You won’t be able to advance spiritually. Moving up the vibrational spiritual growth ladder is why we out grow people and relationships. It is what we are here to do. To become Spiritually advanced.
Truly believing that we are here to enjoy life to the best of our ability, is the exact feeling of ‘Smiling From Within’.
Beverley x