
Psychic Explorers Update

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

How Big Is Your Imagination?

Daydreaming. It's such a lovely word. Whenever I say it I feel like I want to melt into a big fluffy cloud and float around, letting my imagination ponder over all the nice things in my life.

And then reality kicks in and your smack bang in the middle of the grey dreary here and now. Where everyone is rushing around with their barriers up and their back stabbing protection gear on because they just dont know who to trust these days; better off not trusting anyone then!  And so, the cycle continues, only to get worse.

Almost everybodies waiting for the Sun to come out. It eases their touch of SAD SYNDROME. Once the Sun comes out those little faces cant help but smile (in between moaning about how hot it is).

People start lazying on the grass in the parks, chilling, slowing down the pace. Reading and submerging into a fantasy world between the pages. Or just simply lying back and watching planes jetting off to far away lands; pushing the clouds into another funny animal-like shape.

This is when our powerful mind is at its most psychic. This is when you should let it run wild with your imagination shaping your ideal life, in an ideal world.

What if you could wake up tomorrow and start to live it for real?

Would you be in the job you are doing right now?

Where would you be living?

What's the first thing you would change,
to make your NEW life complete?

Imagine, that you could stand outside your own body and view how you're living your life. Do you think, looking from the outside in, that you would say you are on the right track?

If you can then you are lucky enough to be harmonizing with your 'Higher Self'. Whether you already know this or not.

But what if you had the ability to see your life from above, seeing the bigger picture of where your life is heading right now?  Would you step back into your body and keep walking the same path or would you immediately start living your life for today and not worrying about tomorrow.

Why is it we only start to do this when we've had a near death experience. When we feel we have been given a second chance to live our life.  Or if we have lost someone close, making us value the time we have left.

Our lives are exactly what our imagination wants it to be, a movie in our own mind. With YOU as the starring role.............
Looking good, foot loose and fancy free, not to mention 'Smiling From Within'.

Beverley x
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Saturday, 12 April 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For

The deeper and deeper I explore into the psychic world, the more and more it all links back to the subconscious mind. Or deeper still, the superconscious, openly refered to as 'The Higher Self'.

It throws so many questions up, especially for me because as I travel along the path to becoming a medium I am being thrown deeper into first having to understand the powers of the mind. Feeling utter respect for the psychologists, they've put so much work into giving us facts on how our mind works. It's heavy stuff but so fascinating.

Basically, whatever you think will be. Well, that's not true because I've thought loads of things, good and bad they haven't happened. But have they? If you were to write down what you want and date it, how long would it be before you could cross it off your list? Probably ages because this alone still isn't enough. The trick or art is to send the thought out and know deep in your heart that you will get what you want.

We are all guilty of leading our lives from such a negative point of view that to really be positive and 'Smiling From Within' is a hard, if not impossible thing to do. Day in, day out, you're not allowed to worry about anything just live your life knowing that everything will always work out for the best. Not living your life in fear and doubts of what your future may bring.

Some of you may say, I don't worry about that anyway, I don't waste time thinking about it I just get on with my life. And that's brilliant if that's you. What's the point, worrying doesn't make things better only worse according to this rule. Although, can you honestly say you don't get down about anything in your life. Are you completely happy with how things are going, or could it be better?

Well, according to the hundreds of sites out there we have the magic wand right inside our minds and anytime we want to start living the life we were meant to we can tap it and tap into an abundance of everything, all of the time.

Yes, there is a catch! And it all leads back to the famous MEDIATION yet again. I am the worlds worst at meditating. Although, no one is any good at it unless they are disciplined enough to practice it daily or as often as possible. Learning to still your mind and then being able to receive messages from 'The Higher Self' on guidance, creative ideas, answers to problems and sat nav directions to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

So, GOOD LUCK in finding your magic wand (I'm still looking for mine) and creating your perfect world. As for me I'm off to Spain to relax on the beach, and practice getting in touch with my Spirit Guides.

Beverley x
Truly 'Smiling From Within'

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